Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ladies Retreat

Hi all! I hope this finds you well, and enjoying the beginnings of autumn. We just wanted to drop you a quick note to ask you to be lifting up all the female Radschlaeger's this week. (Radschlaegerins auf Deutsch). The ladies are all going to be in England attending a women's conference, and the men...well lets just say, keep them in your prayers too. Who knows what sort of mischief they get into when the women aren't around? Please pray for a time of renewal, relaxation and good fellowship at this ladies only event. (Rainie is praying for a masseuse too, so feel free to pray for that too, if you want) oh yeah..and safe travel for all of us too!
Blessings, and until next time. - The Radschlaegers.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Prayer Request Update!

Thank you for your faithful prayers. Julie's visa just came in today! This is a huge relief to her and to the rest of our team too. Join with us in thanking God for giving Julie the means to be able to stay in Germany.
-The Radschlaegers-

Monday, August 20, 2007

Taco-Bell, Time-Shares, and your prayer!

Our team has been bizzy..So busy (cough) that it has been a challenge to keep up with the blog. Obviously. The writer of this blog entry (who shall remain nameless) is a bit red in the face, in fact.
So, here are a few up-to-date prayer requests that we would love to share with you. Once again, we greatly appreciate your prayers for all of us. It is a joy to get to share them with you:

So..Despite the fact that the Taylors have been rubbing in all the good food (ala, Taco Bell..Schlotzky's.. Chili's) that they got to eat while they were stateside, we are STILL really glad that they made it back safe and sound. And the fact that they brought us some cool presents helped to smooth the path for forgiveness too. Please join with us in thanking God that they got back safely!

The Taylors ask that you be in prayer for:
The One. The One is a worship gathering open to all.. taking place on October 3. This gathering will be held in Duesseldorf at the Jesus Haus. (no Jesus doesn't have a time-share in Duesseldorf, Jesus Haus is a local church.)
Doak has a sports ministry in Moenchengladbach (Moon-chun-glod-bahkk), a neighboring city to Duesseldorf. At the Athletes Bible Study in Moenchengladbach they are now having some of the football players coming (soccer players to all you Amerikaners). Please be in prayer that God would move within the Team. One player became a Christian last week!

The Musselmans ask for:
Prayer for them to build relationships in their new neighborhood in Duesseldorf. As well please pray for Emeline...that she continues to be healthy and well cared for. Pray for protection over their File and for favor with judges and attorneys in Guatemala. Also pray for those reviewing their case that they will approve it soon, so Emeline can come home. Also pray for the Musselmans during this difficult time as they are missing their baby and are having to continue to wait.
(*for those of you who may be trying to put all the pieces together: The Musselman's are in process of adopting a beautiful baby girl from Guatemala!)

Julie S. would like to ask that you would intercede:
That she is able to obtain her permanent visa soon. She has been given a series of temporary visas since she has arrived, please pray that all the paperwork goes through properly, and that she has grace with the visa office; so that she can get a permanent visa.

Julie also asks for prayer as she begins mobilizing the Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Idaho) for participants for the Amazing gRace taking place in the summer of 2008. Please pray for the promotional info as it goes out: that it catches peoples attention, and for it to fall into the hands of the leaders, and students that God is calling out to work with the gRace team this summer! Please also pray for the collegiate leaders who will be promoting it stateside- that God will give them a vision for the gRace, and an excitment in promoting it.

Rainie and Julie ask that you:
Please pray for their English Conversation group. Pray for the current participants, and that Rainie and Julie will have good (spiritual) conversations with them; please pray for participants salvation, and for the future participants as they begin promoting their group on campus again this fall.

Rainie asks:
That you will pray for her two tandem language partners. Affectionately known to you as Frozone, and Elastigirl (Rainie loves the Incredibles). Elastigirl is an atheist, and Frozone (who loves hockey) believes that there is a God, but just doesn't care. Please ask for these relationships to deepen and to go exactly where God wants them to go, and for Rainie to be faithful and bold (but discerning) in sharing truth with them.

til next time...
The Radschlaegers

Thursday, June 7, 2007


It is a great thing to use something for which it was created, isn't it? Whether it be simple like grass for lying on and the sun for warming us, or our bodies for worship of our living God, everything has a use and a purpose, either in the past, present or future. This blog was formed to pass along prayer requests, answers to prayer, as well as to keep you up to date on team happenings. It hasn't been used much in the past few weeks as intended, but that is about to change!
-Nate and Antja, neighbors of some Duesseldorf team members. Nate has never opened up about, or shown an interest in spiritual things. Today he opened up like never before about his belief that there is something more than what he can see, though he does not know what it is. Up until today there have always been distractions that have kept our team members from really being able to go into a deeper discussion about a relationship with Jesus. That changed today. Our team member was able to talk for a good 10 minutes about the gospel.
This team member specifically requests prayer that: "God would open His heart in the next two weeks. It's not good to put time limitations on God, but I've got two to three weeks before I move. And I want them to get saved by the time we leave."

-3 Students who accepted the Lord this evening at a camp in Andernach! Please pray that they would immediately enter into solid discipleship and have a hunger for God's word and truth in their lives. Please pray that they will be willing to be salt and light in an environment that may be cold, indifferent or even hostile to their life changing decision to follow Jesus.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Modern Day Radschlaegers

One of the first things you will probably notice about us after you read our profiles, is how incredibly diverse of a team we are. Yes, it proves once and for all God does have a sense of humor. In our former lives we were pastors, teachers, youth ministers, administrators, or all of the above. Now after shedding those titles we may be bible scholars, sports fanatics, Taco-Bell junkies, or baking afficionados. And as diverse as we are, we are united in our passion and love for the German people and our desire to bring the victorious name of Jesus to Duesseldorf. Our hope is that knowing a little bit more about who we are as individuals will allow you to pray for us much more specifically. (for example: praying for a Taco Bell franchise to open in Germany..?) Enjoy.
The "Radschlaegers" are:
The Taylor Family: Doak & Pam and Peyton, Holden, Dillon, Haven, and yet to be named Taylor boy #3.
The Taylors have been in Germany for two and half years now. They will have been married for 19 years in June. In their former lives Doak worked as a youth Pastor before they planted a church in Crowley, Texas. Pam confesses that she cannot live without baking and Doak confesses he must have his NASN (North American Sports Network. A Question Doak really needs answered would be: Why do thaw and unthaw mean the same thing? And something that Pam really wants to know is: Is it possible to collect all the cookie dough in Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream and actually bake cookies from it?

and we are also:
Chris and Shannon:
Chris became a Christian ten years ago in Aberdeen, Scotland while reading the book of Romans in his dorm room. Because of his lack of cooking skills, Subway sandwiches have become his favorite food. He doesn’t do a very good job of keeping up with the latest clothing and hairstyle trends. However, he is on the cutting edge of 16th century Reformation theology. He hopes and prays that those God-centered, Christ-exalting, Biblically-based doctrines of old would awaken the church to another Reformation in Germany.

Shannon has been married to Chris for over 7 years, and her favorite pastime is traveling with her husband. She is originally from Louisiana and enjoys spicy Cajun and Mexican foods. She is also addicted to dark chocolate and is very interested in all things historical. She enjoys singing and likes all things Scottish. She loves the German people and prays their eyes will be opened to the truth of the Gospel.
next we have:
Julie, 37, loves long walks on the beach at sunset (wink wink)
She bleeds Green and Yellow (Go U of O Ducks!) She plays the guitar & loves singing & leading worship (and sometimes writing songs) playing games (card, board,etc...), watching movies, and actually learning German (despite how hard it is and how frustrated she gets when it's just not clickin' sometimes!) Her favorite book in the Bible is Acts. And she will be a Steven Curtis Champman fan FOR-EV-ER! But don't forget to throw in some great flash back tunes from the 80's now and then! She has also been known to be a big Hanson fan, but might not admit it, now. She can sing mmmbop like nobodies business..

and finally....
Rainie otherwise known as "Schmid" wants you to know that she loves Jesus most. But after Jesus (in no specific order) she loves: Germans, Dr. Pepper, Rich Mullins, adrenaline rushes, Wikipedia, C.S. Lewis books, watching Borussia Dortmund games, Mexican food, Richard Quest from the CNN show "Business Traveler", chocolate, Harry Potter (and she thinks he is gonna live!), the German National Soccer Team, intellectual conversations, and London. She dislikes cucumbers, teriyaki sauce, cliches, Tiny Tim as a musician, and "reckoning" with the German Driving Manual. Her favorite movie quote of all time is "Nature has rejected you," from Failure to Launch, and two things her team might not know about her, are that she once hit a cow on the freeway, and she has been known to herd and chase lhamas in a VW van.