Sunday, September 23, 2007

Ladies Retreat

Hi all! I hope this finds you well, and enjoying the beginnings of autumn. We just wanted to drop you a quick note to ask you to be lifting up all the female Radschlaeger's this week. (Radschlaegerins auf Deutsch). The ladies are all going to be in England attending a women's conference, and the men...well lets just say, keep them in your prayers too. Who knows what sort of mischief they get into when the women aren't around? Please pray for a time of renewal, relaxation and good fellowship at this ladies only event. (Rainie is praying for a masseuse too, so feel free to pray for that too, if you want) oh yeah..and safe travel for all of us too!
Blessings, and until next time. - The Radschlaegers.

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