Thursday, June 7, 2007


It is a great thing to use something for which it was created, isn't it? Whether it be simple like grass for lying on and the sun for warming us, or our bodies for worship of our living God, everything has a use and a purpose, either in the past, present or future. This blog was formed to pass along prayer requests, answers to prayer, as well as to keep you up to date on team happenings. It hasn't been used much in the past few weeks as intended, but that is about to change!
-Nate and Antja, neighbors of some Duesseldorf team members. Nate has never opened up about, or shown an interest in spiritual things. Today he opened up like never before about his belief that there is something more than what he can see, though he does not know what it is. Up until today there have always been distractions that have kept our team members from really being able to go into a deeper discussion about a relationship with Jesus. That changed today. Our team member was able to talk for a good 10 minutes about the gospel.
This team member specifically requests prayer that: "God would open His heart in the next two weeks. It's not good to put time limitations on God, but I've got two to three weeks before I move. And I want them to get saved by the time we leave."

-3 Students who accepted the Lord this evening at a camp in Andernach! Please pray that they would immediately enter into solid discipleship and have a hunger for God's word and truth in their lives. Please pray that they will be willing to be salt and light in an environment that may be cold, indifferent or even hostile to their life changing decision to follow Jesus.

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