Thursday, August 23, 2007

Prayer Request Update!

Thank you for your faithful prayers. Julie's visa just came in today! This is a huge relief to her and to the rest of our team too. Join with us in thanking God for giving Julie the means to be able to stay in Germany.
-The Radschlaegers-

Monday, August 20, 2007

Taco-Bell, Time-Shares, and your prayer!

Our team has been bizzy..So busy (cough) that it has been a challenge to keep up with the blog. Obviously. The writer of this blog entry (who shall remain nameless) is a bit red in the face, in fact.
So, here are a few up-to-date prayer requests that we would love to share with you. Once again, we greatly appreciate your prayers for all of us. It is a joy to get to share them with you:

So..Despite the fact that the Taylors have been rubbing in all the good food (ala, Taco Bell..Schlotzky's.. Chili's) that they got to eat while they were stateside, we are STILL really glad that they made it back safe and sound. And the fact that they brought us some cool presents helped to smooth the path for forgiveness too. Please join with us in thanking God that they got back safely!

The Taylors ask that you be in prayer for:
The One. The One is a worship gathering open to all.. taking place on October 3. This gathering will be held in Duesseldorf at the Jesus Haus. (no Jesus doesn't have a time-share in Duesseldorf, Jesus Haus is a local church.)
Doak has a sports ministry in Moenchengladbach (Moon-chun-glod-bahkk), a neighboring city to Duesseldorf. At the Athletes Bible Study in Moenchengladbach they are now having some of the football players coming (soccer players to all you Amerikaners). Please be in prayer that God would move within the Team. One player became a Christian last week!

The Musselmans ask for:
Prayer for them to build relationships in their new neighborhood in Duesseldorf. As well please pray for Emeline...that she continues to be healthy and well cared for. Pray for protection over their File and for favor with judges and attorneys in Guatemala. Also pray for those reviewing their case that they will approve it soon, so Emeline can come home. Also pray for the Musselmans during this difficult time as they are missing their baby and are having to continue to wait.
(*for those of you who may be trying to put all the pieces together: The Musselman's are in process of adopting a beautiful baby girl from Guatemala!)

Julie S. would like to ask that you would intercede:
That she is able to obtain her permanent visa soon. She has been given a series of temporary visas since she has arrived, please pray that all the paperwork goes through properly, and that she has grace with the visa office; so that she can get a permanent visa.

Julie also asks for prayer as she begins mobilizing the Northwest (Oregon, Washington, Idaho) for participants for the Amazing gRace taking place in the summer of 2008. Please pray for the promotional info as it goes out: that it catches peoples attention, and for it to fall into the hands of the leaders, and students that God is calling out to work with the gRace team this summer! Please also pray for the collegiate leaders who will be promoting it stateside- that God will give them a vision for the gRace, and an excitment in promoting it.

Rainie and Julie ask that you:
Please pray for their English Conversation group. Pray for the current participants, and that Rainie and Julie will have good (spiritual) conversations with them; please pray for participants salvation, and for the future participants as they begin promoting their group on campus again this fall.

Rainie asks:
That you will pray for her two tandem language partners. Affectionately known to you as Frozone, and Elastigirl (Rainie loves the Incredibles). Elastigirl is an atheist, and Frozone (who loves hockey) believes that there is a God, but just doesn't care. Please ask for these relationships to deepen and to go exactly where God wants them to go, and for Rainie to be faithful and bold (but discerning) in sharing truth with them.

til next time...
The Radschlaegers